Delivering cleaner energy is a key strategic initiative for Fortis as we plan for the future. Our customers want and expect flexibility in terms of where their energy comes from, and the control they have over their energy use.
We've had a busy 12 months on the sustainability front. Our team has been engaging with investors on matters related to environment and sustainability more than ever. We also produced two Environmental Reports in 2017 to update our environmental disclosure and provide current data (available here and here). It's been rewarding work.
At Fortis, we own very little generation. Transmission and distribution of electricity and natural gas is central to our business - representing 92% of total assets. Infrastructure associated with transmission and distribution, including poles, wires and natural gas pipes, have a significantly lower environmental impact than fossil fuel-based generation assets. Our focus on energy delivery naturally limits our impact on the environment. That said, we are committed to using sound environmental judgement to meet the existing and future energy needs of our customers.

Our utilities that are involved in generation are shifting their focus towards renewables. Since 2014 we have had increases in our total gross solar energy generated as well as our solar and wind energy purchases. Solar energy opportunities are a priority at UNS Energy in Arizona and FortisTCI, our utility on the Turks and Caicos Islands. The Caribbean Utilities Company Limited in the Cayman Islands has been evaluating opportunities to change its current energy mix to wind and solar resources. These opportunities will allow the utility to reach a 60% renewables target energy mix by 2030.
Our five-year capital investment plan is also focused on a cleaner energy future. The approximately $14.5 billion plan is driven by projects that improve the transmission grid, address natural gas system capacity and gas line network integrity and replace aging infrastructure. The plan will also increase cyber protection and allow the grid to deliver cleaner energy. The shift towards renewables needs to be well planned and carefully executed, always with a focus on providing safe, reliable and affordable energy to customers. We are on the right path - constantly striving to facilitate the delivery of clean energy to our customers.

One of the important projects we are pursuing is the proposed Wataynikaneyap Power project. Our utility FortisOntario is partnering with First Nation communities in remote northwestern Ontario to connect these communities to the electricity grid for the first time. This project will enable communities to move away from a diesel plant system that produces significant GHG emissions, along with other environmental risks, while providing greater reliability to meet the needs of residents. We are excited to be involved in this project that will bring more reliable electricity to the communities of remote northwestern Ontario.

Delivering cleaner energy is a key strategic initiative for Fortis as we plan for the future. Our customers want and expect flexibility in terms of where their energy comes from, and the control they have over their energy use. Because much of the energy passing through our system is not owned by Fortis, our focus is on how to facilitate bringing more renewable energy onto the grid while maintaining a strong, reliable system.