Those of us who have reliable electricity rarely worry about being able to boil the kettle for a cup of tea in the morning. Such is not the case in some rural and remote parts of our country.
This week 22 First Nations in northwestern Ontario celebrated a funding arrangement with the Canadian and Ontario governments which will see 17 communities connect to the electricity grid for the first time.

Fortis was selected through a competitive process to partner with First Nations on the construction management and operation of 1800km of transmission lines. The estimated project construction cost is $1.6 billion. Wataynikaneyap Power is responsible for the project and is owned 51% by First Nations and 49% by Fortis.
“This project is thought to be the largest First Nations-led infrastructure project in the history of Canada.”
The role that projects like this play in social and economic development of First Nations in our country is tremendous. At the funding announcement in Thunder Bay this week Fortis CEO Barry Perry told First Nations Chiefs Fortis will bring its expertise to the table in the construction and operation of the transmission lines, and gave his personal commitment to see the project succeed. What a spectacular week for all.
Thank you to the Governments of Canada and Ontario for your vision and support of this important project. And to Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister, we cannot thank you enough for your inspiring words to Wataynikaneyap Power CEO, Margaret Kenequanash.