It may be early stages but our Arizona utility, Tucson Electric Power (TEP), is seeking information about forest biomass generation systems that could generate power for customers while improving the health of Arizona forests
Recently, TEP issued a request for information (RFI) about technologies, costs, environmental benefits, construction requirements and interconnection requirements of forest biomass energy projects. Information collected during this RFI process will be used to help determine the feasibility of using forest feedstocks as a renewable resource in Arizona.

Biomass power plants use the heat produced from the combustion of biological materials to generate electricity. Biomass fuels may include forest residues, crop residues, primary and secondary mill residues and urban wood waste. TEP will coordinate with other Arizona utilities, as appropriate, to consider joint efforts to develop a forest biomass energy project.
Nearly 13 percent of TEP’s power came from solar, wind and other renewable resources last year, well above Arizona’s 7 percent requirement for 2017.
More details on the RFI are available at: